Solidarity Beyond Borders

On January 24, 2014, thousands of anti-fascists from Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic demonstrated against one of the largest inner-European right-wing radical networking meetings in Vienna. The “Wiener Akademikerball” or “Wiener Kooperationsball”, disguised by the post-Nazi FPÖ and student fraternities, invited neo-Nazis like Patrick Brinkmann to Holocaust deniers to the Vienna Hofburg as it was an official state ceremony, who were received by the former member of a military sports group and anti-Semite Heinz Christian Strache.

In the course of the riots after the NO WKR demo, several antifascists were arrested. The antifascist Josef from Jena sat for half a year in custody and was covered with absurd charges, that is, the Austrian justice wanted to make an example of him. An anti-fascist from Munich was so badly injured during the arrest that he had to be taken to a hospital and was thus able to avoid imprisonment. Today, a 5 cm long scar on his face still reminds him of this incident of excessive police violence.

After more than seven years and a multitude of intimidation attempts by the German and Austrian state, he was charged in the summer of 2021 with several charges including aggravated community violence and aggravated assault, as well as resisting arrest. Through the solidarity process support of local structures and single antifascists, a prison sentence could be averted and he was sentenced to a suspended sentence of seven months for attempted assault and resistance.

This intimidation attempt should affect all of us across borders and the person concerned must now pay the high legal costs that such a long procedure entails! Therefore show your solidarity and donate to:

Rote Hilfe e.V. OG Munich
IBAN: DE61 4306 0967 4007 2383 06
GLS Bank
Keyword: WKR 2014

Solidarity beyond Borders! Solidarity with Roddi!